Programming Language
Python is one of the first languages I learned. Because of its simplicity and it being a high-level language, it is also the one I am most proficient with.
Programming Language
C++ is another one of my primary languages. I use it primarily for competitive programming as it is a high-performance language and so, can compile and run programmes faster than other languages.
Git & Github
Version Control System/Developer Platform
I am very familiar with using Git and Github to collaborate with others and save my work. I use Github as the online developer platform to share my work with others.
I am familiar with using React.js to build dynamic web applications with reusable components. For instance, I used it for LazyReps and in my internship with STEM-E.
I have used this BaaS for authentication and for its document(non-relational) database in both IOS apps and web applications to them up and started faster.
Markup Language & Style Sheet Language
I am capable of using HTML and CSS to display content and style a webpage. I use flex and grid in conjunction with React.js to create responsive and appealing user interfaces.
Next.js & Express
React Framework & Backend Framework
I have built upon my knowledge of React.js to use Next.js along with Express to simplify routing and creating RESTful APIs in projects such as my internship with STEM-E and LipsLipsRevolution.
Programming Language
I began learning Swift in 2023 and have experimented with it, creating various IOS apps such as Zenith. I am not fluent with it yet, but I am able to write simple apps and grasp the basic concepts.
Python Web Framework
I have started learning to use Flask as a backend framework (i.e StudySphere). I am not completely fluent with it yet but will likely continue to use it.
Programming Language
I use both Java and various OOP concepts as the software team lead of First Robotics Competition Team 8729 (Sparkling H2O).